Thousands of Bridges In ‘Urgent Need of Repairs’

Route Fifty » More than 47,000 of America’s bridges are in urgent need of repairs, slightly fewer than last year thanks largely to the federal government’s new definition of the term “structurally deficient,” according to a report by the American Road & Transportation Builders Association.  The study uses the latest data available from federal government’s National Bridge Inventory Database.

2019-04-18T08:45:40-08:00April 8th, 2019|Bridges, Fuel Tax, Reports|

Sea level rise could threaten California cities and ports by 2040

American Journal of Transportation » A new U.S. report, using advanced analytic software, says waves and storm surges are gaining momentum from sea level rise and collectively pose a more immediate threat than was previously believed. The result could be serious damage to California coastal cities and ports by 2040. Elaine Forbes, executive director for the Port of San Francisco, said that rising sea levels are already threatening downtown San Francisco and Port property requiring the construction of a new sea wall. The projected cost: $5 billion.

2019-04-18T10:47:36-08:00March 21st, 2019|California, Louisiana, Reports, U.S. News, Urban, Water|

Ranking the Best, Worst, Safest, and Most Expensive State Highway Systems — The 23rd Annual Highway Report

Reason Foundation » Reason Foundation’s Annual Highway Report ranks the performance of state highway systems in 11 categories, including spending per mile, pavement conditions, deficient bridges, traffic congestion, and fatality rates. Kansas, South Dakota, Nebraska and South Carolina were the other states in top five of the overall rankings.

2018-02-09T14:48:54-08:00February 8th, 2018|Highways, Reports, U.S. News|

MnDOT study considers tolls as a possible fix for roads

Star Tribune » Almost everyone agrees Minnesota’s roads need fixing. But how to fund the fix has long vexed lawmakers. Last year, the Legislature instructed the Minnesota Department of Transportation to study whether it’s feasible to expand toll roads in the state with an eye toward raising additional revenue to maintain them. The 106-page tome released last month concluded that more study is needed — if that’s the direction the state wants to take.

2018-02-06T10:50:37-08:00February 4th, 2018|Highways, Minnesota, Reports, Tolling|

TRIP: Road Conditions Cost New Mexico Drivers More Than Cost to Fix Them

AASHTO Journal » Motorists in New Mexico are paying more in costs related to road congestion each year than the state Department of Transportation says it needs in added funding to fix the infrastructure, according to a new report from the TRIP national research group. Meanwhile, it said the NMDOT has a nearly $384 million construction and maintenance budget in the 2018 fiscal year but estimates a $506 million shortfall to fund needed projects. Read the report here.

2022-04-22T10:33:33-08:00January 26th, 2018|New Mexico, Reports, Roads|
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