Multi-billion, decade-long toll road plan gets green light, but bottlenecks loom

Florida Watchdog » A decade-long, multi-billion dollar plan to build a toll turnpike and extend two others got a subcommittee’s unanimous approval during the first week of the legislative session, but faces scrutiny from two other Senate panels before it reaches chamber floors. SB 7068 calls for $45 million in fiscal year 2020 and $90 million in fiscal year 2021 and then $135 million annually through 2030 from the STTF, totaling more than $1.3 billion, to finance a state turnpike bond to pay for the bulk of the project.

2019-04-18T11:24:28-08:00March 12th, 2019|Florida, Georgia, Highways, Tolling, Vehicle Usage Fees|

With Gas Taxes in Peril, More States Study Alternatives

Governing » The idea of charging drivers for the miles they drive instead of the gas they burn is not new. But states are still sorting out how it might work. After more than a decade of watching Oregon and a handful of other states test alternatives to traditional gasoline taxes, more states, with the help of federal money, are now joining the quest.

2018-01-17T15:45:28-08:00January 16th, 2018|California, Fuel Tax, Oregon, Road Usage Charge, Vehicle Usage Fees|

New gas tax at pumps on Nov. 1 will pay for Valley road maintenance

Fresno Bee » There’s a new gasoline tax that drivers will see at fuel pumps starting Nov. 1, and state and local transportation officials already have big plans for catching up on much-needed road repairs in Fresno County and around the state.

2017-10-25T15:31:06-08:00October 24th, 2017|California, Fuel Tax, Roads, Vehicle Usage Fees|

GOP alliances rip over gas tax repeal: It’s anti-tax populists vs. the business establishment

Los Angeles Daily News » Business groups are threatening to wage a pricey campaign to stop California’s  Republican officials from trying to repeal a new state gas tax for transportation projects—warning them not to “create new political adversaries.” But the politicians aren’t flinching.

2017-10-17T15:27:07-08:00October 12th, 2017|California, Fuel Tax, Funding, Roads, Vehicle Usage Fees|
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